Tamu Lhochhar / Puspandra (Tamu New Year)

Bishnu Gurung

The Tamu Lhochhar is celebrated on 15th Poush of Nepali calendar every year which falls around 30 December of English Calendar. Lhocchar means " New Year" in English "Lho" meaning year and "chhar" meaning new. It is associated with the natural phenomena and the morning sunrise on of 15th Poush is the New Year for Gurung peoples. It marks the beginning of the Tamu Sambat or Gurung Calendar year. Lhochhar also heralds the change in 'Lho'. Gurungs divide time into cycles of twelve years (lohokor), to each year of which a special name is given, which is known as barga (lho). According to the oriental astrological system, there are 12 Lhos - garuda, serpent, horse, sheep, monkey, bird, dog, deer, mouse, cow, tiger, and cat. So therefore, each year is marked by a particular animal and they are arranged in a single circle, following closely the Tibetan calendar with 12 animals. However, these animals may vary in the Tibetan Lhosar and Chinese New Year. The Lho returns after the twelve-year cycle. By knowing a man's barga, his age can readily be calculated. Poush 15 heralds the end of the winter and start of the spring and traditionally it is celebrated by by taking blessings from respected elders and exchanging greetings among family members and friends and having 'ban bhoj' ('shyo kain' in Tamu), merry-making with, songs and dances and playing traditional games. These days, especially in major cities, all the Gurungs come together at a common place and celebrate the event by having various cultural procession, cultural programmes and feasts. In abroad,Tamu Lhochhar is celebrated by getting together,exchanging greeting, partying, dancing, merry making which is normally organized by gurung community.

References http://www.gurungs.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=58 http://www.nepalnews.com/archive/2008/dec/dec30/news06.php

Posted on:December 28, 2010, 12:49 pm
